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Cosmetic Acupuncture

As a proud African man I never thought in a million years I would have Cosmetic Acupuncture but I was always conscious of my deep laughter lines. My girlfriend would always tease me about them. I can’t believe the difference in 3 sessions. I look and feel 10 years younger. Everyone is complimenting me on how well I look but nobody can know my secret!
— Cosmetic Acupuncture for deep naso-labial grooves and acne scarring
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Beauty is an inside job. Our face mirrors our internal health. Cosmetic acupuncture is a fully integrated Oriental medicine health and beauty regime, so you not only Look Great, but also Feel Great!

  • A 1996 study in the International Journal of Clinical Acupuncture stated that among 300 cases treated with Cosmetic Acupuncture, 90% had marked results with a course of treatments.

They experienced a lessening of lines, clearer skin tone, improved elasticity of facial muscles, subtle tightening and overall rejuvenation, not limited to the face, promoting overall health.

  • Individuals will respond differently to treatment depending on age and lifestyle. Visible results will often be seen immediately, with more long lasting results over the course of treatment. Skin health, tone and dryness improve as a welcome side effect of the treatment.

Cosmetic Acupuncture is your Secret Weapon!



Cosmetic Acupuncture sessions are individually tailored and include bespoke sculpting facial massage with unique, specialised shiatsu techniques, organic skin products and nourishing face masks for that firmer facial contour and ultimate Glow-to-Go. 

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  • Why do we recommend 6-12 treatments spread across 3 months?

    Because this is directly linked to timescales required for cellular and physiological changes to take place.

  • Each visit is approximately 75-90 mins



Individual Consultation £150

Course of 6 Treatments £850

This includes the best organic skin products and nourishing face masks free from all nasties,